Distribution and delivery to customers is the final challenge in the textile supply chain. This process can be really complex when our client is also the final retailer and requiers a store-type packaging with which it is sold to the final consumer
Cowerkers looking at notebook in a modern office

Shipment programming and control

To solve this need, our ATX Dynamics Apparel & Textile system provides tools for programming and controlling your shipments, handling Dynamic shipping lists.
Cowerkers looking at notebook in a modern office

Shipment priorities

The demand of the clients is increasing and there are some with which the level of service is not subject to errors, that is why we provide you with configurations in our system for the operation of priority in the deliveries. Your most important customers will always be at the top of the list

Advanced warehouse management

The Advanced Warehouse Management (WMS) tool in Microsoft Dynamics AX is tailored for efficient order preparation. Manage sucessful and efficient picking orders to fill your orders in record time.
Cowerkers looking at notebook in a modern office

Branch control

Tools for controlling branch management, as well as having goals for sellers per branch or customer. Have efficient control of shipments from reading processes in the preparation of shipment and warehouse; until reading processes when the merchandise is transported.
Cowerkers looking at notebook in a modern office


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¿Por qué ATX Business Solutions?

Creemos firmemente que cada uno de nuestros clientes puede mejorar significativamente a través del empoderamiento de las personas con la tecnología, para lograr una organización competitiva, ordenada y de trascendencia hacia el futuro. Estamos dispuestos a acompañarlo en este retador camino y apoyarlo a conseguir su sueño.

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